Monday, June 30, 2008

My CVS experience

To go along with Jen's blog, I thought I'd share my first, what I consider, real success story from CVS. I went this morning b/c they had several things that I actually needed on sale. We don't have much extra cash flow so I can only buy the things I really need. Anyway, I bought $41 worth of stuff and saved $22.49. I had only $5 worth of ECB's but I had coupon and a $4 off $20 spent coupon. It was still $18 out of pocket but I was pretty proud. It is going to take awhile to get to where a lot of people are but I'll get there.

One of the items I bought today was the buy one get one free Intuition razor cartridges. I was so excited to see this item for sale. I absolutely love this razor. I just discovered it about two weeks ago. I was having trouble finding a razor that wouldn't tear up my skin or leave razor burn. This one does the job just right. I also had a two dollar off coupon. Now I am stocked up for quite awhile. Just thought I'd share. It really is a great razor.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Yay! Ain't it fun?