Saturday, June 21, 2008

DT and Me... Our Week in Review

~Dylan started swimming lessons and VBS. I couldn't wait for both. I thought I'd get kind of an easy week and a break. HA! He was so excited about both that I could hardly get him to settle down or listen.
~I felt the baby move for the first time, which is always exciting.

~Dylan did great at swimming lessons. He's always been a bit skittish about getting in water, especially getting his head and face wet.

~The kid was slowly but surely driving me crazy. Loved the three hours at night that he was gone to VBS but needed them to recuperate. Everyone said he was doing great and having a blast. I was happy.

~Dylan finally went all the way under water by himself. This is a major deal. I was so proud! ~Also, another amazing thing happened that morning... he slept in till 8:30! I couldn't believe it. He is always up between 6-6:45.

~Dylan continued the miracle and woke up a little after 8:00. This help to ease the frustration the week (his being way to hyper and not listening) a little. By the end of the day, however, my eye was twitching and I couldn't wait for VBS.
~Speaking of which, he said the closing prayer into the microphone in front of everyone. I couldn't believe that either! He makes me so proud.

He never fails to amaze me. He can literally drive me crazy one moment and then do something so surprising that I'm almost speechless. But I guess that is what kids are good at. By the way, my eye is still twitching. Not sure what to do about that.


Smokey C's is coming along pretty good. We have almost all of the equipment and tables set up so it's looking like an actual bbq place. They now have business cards and to-go menus. Everyday people drive up, even though we have the entrance blocked, to try and order some bbq. All the inspections should be done on Monday and Tuesday. Then it should be smooth sailing to opening day, which we hope will be before the 4th of July. I'll keep everyone updated.


~Crystal~ said...

Poor little buddy slept so late, because he was wore out. :)

Yay! For Smokey C's!!!

Anonymous said...

The eye twitch is probably from fatigue. That's when mine twitches. Fatigue and stress.

Guess we know the key to sleeping late, huh? Swim lessons and VBS. Maybe you could find a daytime VBS this week that doesn't interfere with his swim lessons??? :)

I'm proud of our little man. He makes Nana smile.

And Smokey C's??? YUMMMMMMM! Can't wait!!

Love y'all!