Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Baby Deacon Part 1

Ok, so this is way late but I thought I'd try to get some blogging done and tell y'all about baby Deacon. So let's start with the day he was born.

I had to be at the hospital at 5 am and was told to shower before I came, so I was up at 3 am. I was pretty calm and not really nervous or even excited (I kinda felt bad about that) but that would soon change. At 4:15, Casey and I headed out for the hospital. When we were about five minutes from our destination, Faith Hill's new Christmas song, "A Child Changes Everything" came on. I thought it was pretty appropriate and, of course, teared up.

We arrive at the hospital on time and sit in the waiting room until almost 6:00. I didn't think I was ever going to be taken to my room. We get back there and they start preparing me. I had my main nurse and there was another one helping her. They both looked younger than me, which kinda felt weird. Anyway, the helper nurse was doing my IV and I don't have luck with those and didn't on this day either. She had to remove her first attempt and moved it to my hand. I couldn't help but cry. I hate needles as it is and it really did hurt but you could tell she felt bad. Once she had it in, she left and I never saw her again.

Soon, my doctor was coming in and we had our little chat. He asked me one question though that kind of threw me off. He asked (in a very serious tone) "What are we here for this morning?". Ummm... "to get this baby out" I said, unsure of what exactly he wanted. I felt like this was some kind of test. It was as if he was making sure I was psychologically ready to have this baby. I was and even if I wasn't, he was going to anyway!

Long story short, the surgery went just fine. It was a little scarier this time since I wasn't drugged up like I was with Dylan. I was scheduled to have surgery at 7 am and Deacon was born 7:04. I can't believe how fast it was. Once they reached the baby, all I heard was "wow, what a big head" over and over. Guess it was a good thing I had a c-section. He weighed 8 lbs 9 oz and was 20 1/2 inches. He was a big boy. He was perfect and beautiful. I (of course) fell instantly in love.