Friday, February 29, 2008

Just call me Rose

Sorry it has been so long since I've left a decent post. The past 2 weeks have been busy. A lot has been going on and I'm thinking that it is only going to get crazier ( but in a good way).

It all started when I got sick the week before last. I'm still trying to catch up on the house work because of it and I was only out for less than two days. It is amazing how fast that stuff backs up on you. Also, I had to play catch up with my school work.

Speaking of school work, that is next on my list of things I've been busy with. Last week I had three tests, my photography portfolio and drawing sketch book due. I believe I made an 'A' on all of the tests but I'm still waiting for my photography test to come back. I love my photography class but it is an online class and basically I teach myself. A requirement of the course is to go and develop your own film in the school darkrooms. It is so much fun but very time consuming. I spent about 5-6 hours in there last week only to find out that my film should have been thrown out. I had a friend who took the class last semester come in and help me. Unfortunately, we went on what she remembered and my film was under developed. I went back this week b/c one class was canceled for the day and developed my film myself (closely reading the book of course). I did better but no one told me that I had to make sure the film reel didn't float up in the container. When I was finished, I found that part of my film was in the developing chemicals longer than the other half. Oh well, I now know exactly what to next time. Maybe I will be able to scan a few photos next week.

Also, last week I began a new class and it's not even at school. I am taking a class at the Health Dept. on food safety and regulations for Casey's bbq place. It is a three day class, held every Wed. from 1:30-4:30. Next week is the last class and TEST. Another test! Man, I can't get away from them. This is one that I am nervous about. I don't have much experience in the food industry. I worked as a hostess/busboy at a restaurant here in town for about a month (if that long). The only thing that I learned there was that I didn't want to work in a restaurant ever again. Go figure! Everyone else in the class already owns their own business or works at Zaxby's. Say a prayer for me about 2:00 next Wednesday. :) By the way, did I mention that I have to make an 80 or higher to pass?

I'll let you know how that turns out. :)

Well, I gotta get going. Sorry this was so long. I was called Rose growing up b/c it took me so long to tell a story or explain something. I know I am forgetting something but my brain is on idle this morning and can't remember anything else right now. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep this thing updated better.

P.S. I was trying to find a picture of 'Rose' to put on here but came across this and thought it was funny. I apologize for the language.

Betty White

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

just for fun...

Your Linguistic Profile:

55% General American English

30% Dixie

5% Midwestern

5% Upper Midwestern

0% Yankee

Well, my dad would be proud to know that none of the Yankee from my mom's side made it into my speech. I hope to have a better post tonight or Thursday (tomorrow is too busy).

Friday, February 8, 2008

Help a mutha out!

Avon Lady o Ok, so Avon is calling. My mom is now an official Avon lady. If any of the 4 people that read my blog like Avon and aren't committed to someone already, then send your business her way. She even has her own website where you can place an order (so it will be super easy)! Have a great day!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Please Pray

Last night, during the nasty weather, a good friend of Casey lost his mother, stepfather, and 17 yr. old stepbrother. His friend is one of the sweetest guys you will ever meet. He has seen so much tragedy. His biological dad died when he was really young. His stepfather pretty much raised him and his sister. He has been to Iraq and lost some of his hearing over there. His ex-wife was AWFUL to him and now he's lost his family. He and his wife are expecting their first boy together in the Spring. He also has a beautiful daughter that is about 8 yrs old. I'd like to ask everyone to please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers and any others that might have lost anyone in the storms. It's just so heartbreaking.


For us, the storms weren't that bad. The same storm/tornado that killed that family, headed straight towards our side of town but all we got was a little wind, heavy rain, and lightning. For some reason, our city seems to have this protective bubble over it and we don't get the bad stuff. I hope it stays that way. However, I always prepare for storms and last night was no different. I made sure we had blankets and such in the bathroom and that I could easily get to Dylan (his room was a little messy). We had a tornado warning and I even got me and Dylan in the bathroom around 3:30 a.m. but that lasted only a few minutes. I am thankful that there was no damage and I still have my family. Please keep Casey's friend and his family in your prayers.