Monday, May 26, 2008

The Great Memorial Day Race

Casey and Dylan racing on their scooters.

And the winner is...

I just love my guys!

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Yesterday was my birthday. I am now on that side of 20. The day started off great. DT went to Mimi and Papa's and Casey took me to this really nice movie theater over in H'ville to see the new Indiana Jones film. It was pretty good. I wasn't disappointed. Then we went to Cheeburger Cheeburger to eat lunch. I love that place! Unfortunately, on the way over I started to get a headache and it only continued to get worse. By the time we got home, it had grown into a migraine and since I'm preggers I can't take my beloved Excedrin and Tylenol extra strength does nothing for a headache like that. So instead of going to see the hot air balloons last night, I laid in bed and on the couch for the rest of my b-day. But I have the sweetest husband and he took good care of me and made sure I had everything I needed.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Off to the park

Took DT to the park today before his nap. As I expected, there were a lot of kids there. Most of them had on school uniforms so I assumed they were from the Catholic school in town. All I know is those kids were so mean, especially to each other. There were throwing shovels of sand at each other, stepping on each other and a couple of the bigger boys (about 9 or 10) were kicking balls right in the middle of a bunch of the kids and I mean hard. Several got hit by them when they would bounce off the swing set and slides. Sounds like ordinary kids stuff I suppose, but no one was laughing and few kids cried. I just about got beamed in the back of the head with one. That would have sent this moody, pregnant woman into a rage I'm afraid. All the parents and/or teachers just sat and talked under the pavilion. Anyway, we stayed but I kept a close eye, as always, on DT. Some of them were kind enough to let him use their toys in the sand but wouldn't really play with him.

As I was sitting in the shade, a stretch Ford Excursion limo pulled up. I was talking to another mom and one of the city's park maintenance guys and we were wondering what in the world a limo was doing there. The other mom said that some parents rent limos for their kids b-days. Sure enough about 10 little girls came bounding out of it. I couldn't believe it. A limo to take your kids to the park. Man! The park guy went to talk to the two mom's that joined the kids and asked them if he could have a ride home. The mom said "sure, if you have $156/hr"! I can't even imagine. It was about this time I decided to leave. The park was getting full and I was getting hot. I thought I had seen the limo leave but as we left I noticed that it had moved to a better parking space and was left running. I wonder how much money that mom is going to end up spending in the end. Of course all the little girls were asking all the other kids if they had seen the limo and bragging that they had come in it. I supposed I would have too at that age. I remember when having a party at Chuck E. Cheese was a big deal.

There were two very different sets of kids at the park today and I couldn't help but feel DT was somewhere in between, not that that is a bad thing.

Monday, May 19, 2008

News stories and the weekend round up

I've never posted about news stories before but these two caught my eye immediately. The first story is just awful (in my opinion). How can children know what they want when they are 7 or even 17? I find it disgusting and I can't believe that there are parents out there that would allow this.

Anyway, on to a good story. I so wish that had happened here. I would have been out there helping with the clean up. And they were double stuffed too! I would have seen that as a sign and blessing from God!


We had a nice weekend. Casey went camping, Dylan went to a birthday party and discovered "E.T." (not at the same time though) and I got to watch whatever I wanted. Although, there isn't anything on tv these days. We've been taking advantage of our Netflix account lately.

I started the whole baby bump picture thing. Casey decided to get in on the action too. Here are the pictures from that. I'm at 10 weeks now.

Not much going on there for me anyway :) but I didn't think I'd start to show this early.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Smokey C's update...

Well, it's finally getting there. Things went really fast in the beginning but then it slowed down. It always helps when people call you back and show up when they say they will. Anyway, here are a few pictures of the front room, the handicap bathroom (rolling of the eyes) and one of the new signs. A lot of work has gone into it and I am proud to say my hubby did a lot of it. So many people have helped out and we are all so grateful. Right now, the target date is around the first week of June. Next week is going to be a big week. They should be able to start moving in equipment and getting everything ready. Keep your fingers crossed.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Long Time No Post

I'll have more time now that school is out! I am so glad too. I am finally taking a semester off. In the fall, I finally get to go to a big girl school. Yay!


I'm now in my 9th week or 3rd month. The baby is officially a 'fetus' but I don't like that word. It's simply a baby. The nausea is pretty much gone. I still have bouts of it every now and then and can't, for the life of me, get any energy.


I'm thinking about cutting my hair. Actually, I have no choice. It is so dead and frizzy on the ends. This is the hairstyle I believe I'm gonna go for. It's real simple but pretty (I think).

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Birthday and Tortuga

Happy Birthday to the hottest, most wonderful husband!!! I love you baby!


Have you ever had a word stuck in your head, kind of like a song? I've had the word 'Tortuga' stuck in mine. I saw it sometime this week and now it just kind of pops in my head every now and then. It's kind of nice, though, because when it does, a picture of Johnny Depp does too.