Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Long Time No Post

I'll have more time now that school is out! I am so glad too. I am finally taking a semester off. In the fall, I finally get to go to a big girl school. Yay!


I'm now in my 9th week or 3rd month. The baby is officially a 'fetus' but I don't like that word. It's simply a baby. The nausea is pretty much gone. I still have bouts of it every now and then and can't, for the life of me, get any energy.


I'm thinking about cutting my hair. Actually, I have no choice. It is so dead and frizzy on the ends. This is the hairstyle I believe I'm gonna go for. It's real simple but pretty (I think).


Anonymous said...

Love the hairstyle. Will look great on you.

Hope you get some rest between now and the time Smokey C's opens. Take advantage of your time off. Your mutha is available to help you with stuff, ya know. ;)

Your energy will return and you'll begin the "nesting" process. Watch out. It creeps up on you!


Vickie said...

CUTE!! I think it would look GREAT on you!