Monday, May 19, 2008

News stories and the weekend round up

I've never posted about news stories before but these two caught my eye immediately. The first story is just awful (in my opinion). How can children know what they want when they are 7 or even 17? I find it disgusting and I can't believe that there are parents out there that would allow this.

Anyway, on to a good story. I so wish that had happened here. I would have been out there helping with the clean up. And they were double stuffed too! I would have seen that as a sign and blessing from God!


We had a nice weekend. Casey went camping, Dylan went to a birthday party and discovered "E.T." (not at the same time though) and I got to watch whatever I wanted. Although, there isn't anything on tv these days. We've been taking advantage of our Netflix account lately.

I started the whole baby bump picture thing. Casey decided to get in on the action too. Here are the pictures from that. I'm at 10 weeks now.

Not much going on there for me anyway :) but I didn't think I'd start to show this early.


Vickie said...

I just want to know why you didn't pose like Casey!

Meggan said...

I'm just not the ham that he is. I told him he upstaged me. :)

Jenny said...

I think Casey's a little bit bloated.

Luke watched ET too! He loved it.

~Crystal~ said...

That's funny.