Sunday, May 25, 2008


Yesterday was my birthday. I am now on that side of 20. The day started off great. DT went to Mimi and Papa's and Casey took me to this really nice movie theater over in H'ville to see the new Indiana Jones film. It was pretty good. I wasn't disappointed. Then we went to Cheeburger Cheeburger to eat lunch. I love that place! Unfortunately, on the way over I started to get a headache and it only continued to get worse. By the time we got home, it had grown into a migraine and since I'm preggers I can't take my beloved Excedrin and Tylenol extra strength does nothing for a headache like that. So instead of going to see the hot air balloons last night, I laid in bed and on the couch for the rest of my b-day. But I have the sweetest husband and he took good care of me and made sure I had everything I needed.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Pregnancy migraines are the WORST!
Happy bday again, old person!