Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday, Monday

Here is the latest picture of Smokey C's. It is all lit up! Hopefully, we will be open soon! Everything is starting to come together.


Today, I felt the baby move for the first time. Yes, I know, it's kinda early but I know it wasn't gas. I've had enough to know the difference. Casey even felt it a little. It was around this time when I was pregnant with DT that I felt him move. I'm so excited! By the way, consignment shops are awesome places to go for maternity clothes.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Yay for both the baby moving and for Smokey C's. I hope we are able to come up there when you guys open! Miss y'all!!! Dylan was such a sweet boy at Luke's party. He ordered a cheeseburger but they (of course) made him just a hamburger. I asked him if that was okay (bracing myself for screaming) and he said, "Sure, no problem." :) Love that kid!