Friday, April 11, 2008

A little bit of this...a little bit of that.

Thank you for all of the 'congratulations'. We are very excited. I went to the doctor yesterday and they gave me an ultrasound to determine how far along I am. I'm about 4 weeks and 5 days but they couldn't see anything in the uterus. We were told that this can be normal for someone as early as I am but I have to go in on Monday for a blood test to make sure I don't have an ectopic pregnancy. This means that the egg could have implanted outside the uterus, often in the fallopian tubes. We will, hopefully, have the results back that afternoon. I have faith that no matter what happens, everything will be ok. It's just a long way until Monday.


Dylan love Pauls Harvey. If we are in the car and I pass a radio station with his show on, we have to listen to it. Weird.


Today was baby Bo's funeral. It was a nice and simple funeral. Anthony and Kelli seem to be holding together pretty well. Bless his heart, this afternoon during our severe weather, he called to check on us because one of the storms seemed to be on top of us. It was, but it didn't produce a tornado. It's too bad we had to have tornado warnings today of all days.


Smokey C's is still coming along. Casey is up there now painting. We are still continuing to be blessed. It's just been amazing.


Back to the pregnancy for a minutes. It's kicking my butt! I have had zero energy but so far no morning sickness. The good news is, I've been losing weight. I've lost a total of 15 lbs since November. I've been taking a yoga class and aerobics class this semester. Also, I must have so many minutes in the gym for another class. I'm sure, however, that I will be gaining the weight back very soon.


Oh my goodness! I just checked my email and I won 2 tickets to see Bon Jovi and Daughtry in concert on April 24th! I can't believe it, I never win anything! I've loved Bon Jovi since I was little bitty. I can't wait. This is the pick me up I needed!


Anonymous said...

Is the girl taking her mother? Why no. She's taking that man she's married to -- go figure. NOT fair.
I've known her longer. :(

Seriously, I'm so tickled that you won the tickets, Meg! That is so very cool. Perfect timing.

Congratulations, sweetie.

Love ya!
Your jealous pouting mutha

Jenny said...

We are praying that all is well! We love ya, girl.

Steph said...

So sorry to hear about baby Bo. Tough, tough times...

~Crystal~ said...

I'm praying for you girl.