Sunday, March 23, 2008

Keep Praying!

Baby Bo isn't doing too well. They found that he has a rare genetic disorder and are flying in an experimental drug from Dallas. However, he has to go through dialysis first and the doctors weren't really optimistic about him even making it through that. I still firmly believe that God can heal Bo and I know that miracles still happen everyday. Please keep praying. I'll update again as soon as we learn more.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter!

1 comment:

Steph said...

Hey Meggan... so sorry to hear about your friend. I really have a special place in my heart for families with sick babies! If you get a chance, email me at and let me know what NICU they are at. I doubt they are close to where we are but I would still like to double-check and make sure there isn't something we can do for them... other than pray!