Friday, March 21, 2008


Please pray for Casey's friend Anthony again. Yesterday they had their little boy but he was early. They found out this week that Kellie didn't have a lot of fluid around the baby, so they pumped her full of fluids but they didn't work. They decided yesterday to go ahead and do a c-section. I just got a call from Anthony and he was so upset. All he could say was "pray for Bo, something is wrong and they don't know what it is". So I'm asking everyone to please pray for this little baby and his family. They have been through so much. Please ask anyone and everyone to pray for them. I know God can help and heal Bo and Anthony and his family. Thank you so much!

Hopefully, I'll have a good update very soon.

1 comment:

Vickie said...

I am praying and will continue to pray.