Thursday, March 27, 2008

Baby Bo Update

It's been awhile since I've update y'all on Bo. He is doing better! The doctors now believe that he doesn't have the rare genetic disorder but still are unsure of what he has. Last I heard, he had some swelling and maybe bleeding on his brain. They were considering surgery to fix that. I don't believe that was necessary. I just got off the phone with Anthony and he said that Bo is doing better. They've run several tests and sent them to California and Ohio. The results should be in between now and next week. If they come back negative, they will run tests on his muscles (I believe that is what Anthony said... he speaks real soft). I didn't ask a whole lot of questions. I just wanted to see how they were doing.

Keep them in your thoughts and prayers. It's not over but it seems that it might be getting better and I truly believe it is because there are SO many people praying for them. I'll keep updating as we hear new things.


Smokey C's is coming along pretty good. We hung our 'Coming Soon' banner, so it's getting closer.

Casey is sick to day and wasn't able to work on it but he needed a break anyway.

Well, time to go jump on the trampoline with DT like I promised. :)

1 comment:

Steph said...

Glad to read that!