Sunday, August 31, 2008

Baby stuff

Today I am 25 weeks... only 15 more to go! I'm starting to loose energy again but I am hoping to counteract that with some prenatal yoga. Everyday this week, my belly seems to be changing shape. So much so that others even noticed. Deacon was sitting pretty high one day, then way out front the next and then he dropped low again, which is where he sits now. He isn't quite as active as Dylan was but he makes his movements count for something. They are strong.

I wish that I could figure the scanner to computer process but I've tried before and failed. If I could, I would post his ultrasound pictures. They were good ones. Here in about 3 weeks I go for my 3D/4D ultrasound. Yay!

A few weeks ago, right after I found out we were having a boy, mom and I went to Target and of course, I had to check out the baby stuff. I hadn't intended to buy anything but I found Deacon's nursery bedding. Even before I found out the sex, I had been checking out different styles for both boys and girls. I didn't do that with Dylan b/c we bought the nursery furniture from some nice people who already had the bedding to go with it. This time I wanted something new and different. Anyway, we were in Target and I found what I had been looking for. I went ahead and purchased it because it was the only one left and I am kind of picky and was afraid I wouldn't be able to find it again. I'm glad I did because I haven't been able to find it in the store again or on the internet. So here it is: It matches the paint already on the walls from when DT was a baby.
We are going to move DT into the "man room" so he can have what we are calling a big brother room.