Friday, September 19, 2008

I'm too tired to come up with a good title...

Sorry it's been so long since a post... the energy levels are beginning to lower. A lot has happened at Smokey C's lately. We have begun to advertise through radio, newspaper and even t.v. Business seems to be getting steadier, which is great.

Casey went on a local tv station and did about a 15 minute spot. They came by the restaurant and shot a short commercial one morning. Casey was super nervous but did a great job. We didn't know they were going to come by and shoot that morning. Anyway, they posted it on youtube and now I can share it with you. So here it is. Enjoy! (As I said, I think Casey did great, especially for being put on the spot, but the other guy is so cheezy!).

1 comment:

Steph said...

The BBQ looks yummy! I'm sure y'all will do great with it (already are it seems) BUT if your hubby ever decides he wants to go back to plumbing and move down here on the plains, I know where he can get a job! Our husbands have to be two of the youngest master plumbers in the state. I didn't know we had that in common. Good luck with everything!