Tuesday, September 23, 2008

3D/4D ultrasound...

I just got back from my 3D/4D ultrasound and, of course, Deacon was facing my spine! It's been that kind of day. No one seems to be in a good mood, I was emotional and both my boys were being difficult. While getting prepared for the ultrasound, the technician had two pretty empty bottles of jell and tried squirting it on my belly. It pretty much splattered everywhere but my belly, mostly my face. She kept yawning the whole time too. Come on! Shouldn't everyone be excited about this wonderful moment? Seems not... not even the baby cooperated. I got back on Thursday for my glucose test (yum) and they are going to check again. If it doesn't work then, I go back next Tuesday. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed, especially since it costs a pretty penny.

To be continued...


Vickie said...

I wish there was some way you could post one of those 3D-4D sonograms. I would LOVE to see it!

Meggan said...

well, if we are able to get a good one tomorrow or Tuesday, I'll try to find a way to do it. I hope we can. :)

Jenny said...

You can always come here and use my scanner!