Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween and the Blahs

Halloween was great this year. I'm really too tired to go into great detail. It was bigger and better than years past and we had A LOT of people come to our haunted house. Here are some pictures:

This was the haunted house crew. From left to right: Bloody victim- Heather, Leatherface- Michael T., chainsaw monster- Ken, big-headed monster- Ben, Jason- Casey, Michael Myers- Michael B., and then our guide Bo. We had three others but they left earlier.

If you can see him, this is Dylan in his Mr. Dude (the grim reaper) costume. We've always called the big blow up thing Mr. Dude so DT wouldn't be scared of him... it worked. Dylan wanted to be a bleeding skeleton this year but I thought that might be just a little much for a 4 year old, so we went with this instead.

We went to a costume party Saturday night and had a great time too. I took my camera w/ me did left the memory card at home. I love Halloween but am so glad it's over.


Well, we only have 5 weeks until Deacon will be here and I am so ready, though our house still isn't. We will be starting that this weekend... fun! I'm getting to that wonderful point in pregnancy where you feel tired, uncomfortable and just HUGE all of the time. I may post a picture later but I'm not feeling too cute today. I had one of those loud, nosey mom's tell me today that I am just keep getting bigger and bigger and that everything looks like it starting to swell. Thanks. That's just what I wanted to hear, especially since I had just scarfed down a double cheese burger and medium fry from greasy-as-hell Wendy's. I've noticed I've become moody and emotional again too. I left the restaurant early Saturday and cried all the way home. I had no reason but it sure felt good. I must be such a joy to be around.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

You are a joy to be around. I can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving. Want to watch the parade with me? :) I promise Chris won't say a word this year! :) Love you. Cool Halloween pics.