Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday Post

Here we are at 35 weeks... only 4 weeks and 2 days left. I had a doctor's appt. this past Thursday and everything is going good. He said all of my numbers look good. I'm so glad too. At this stage of pregnancy with Dylan, I was beginning to be warned about my weight and blood pressure. I've tried pretty hard to keep those numbers good this time around. The only thing about this visit was I didn't get to see my normal doctor. He has moved to Madison and I won't see him until delivery day. I'm not big on change, especially with something so private as an OBGYN doctor.

Last night, I started having contractions with light menstrual-like cramps. Casey was asleep on the couch, so I started to time them myself, just to see. They were about 8 minutes apart but never got stronger or closer together. I finally gave up and went to sleep, figuring that if it was real labor, it would eventually wake up. Sure enough, I made it until morning. It was probably just my indigestion, which I seem to suffer with on a daily basis now.


~Crystal~ said...

Awe, Meggan...You look beautiful!

Vickie said...

How come Casey didn't do his pose with you this time?

You are GORGEOUS!!

Meggan said...

Thanks guys!

He does need to do another pose, doesn't he...

Jenny said...

Lookin' good!!!

And no, Casey doesn't need to pose again. :)

Steph said...

Meggan... you look FANTASTIC! Nothing looks swollen at all to me (I should know... I blew up like a balloon when I was pregnant!) except maybe your little belly, which looks perfectly pregnant to me! Congrats!