Sunday, October 5, 2008

Go ask your mother.

Yesterday, while Dylan was riding his bike, the girl from across the street came over. I had an old Auburn shirt on and it wasn't a maternity shirt, so it was pretty tight across my belly. It was obvious she hadn't been around many pregnant bellies b/c she kept staring at it. I asked her if she would like to feel the baby move if I could wake him up. At first, she was a little hesitant (she's 7) but then became almost annoying about it. From the start, the baby wasn't having it. I tried everything to get him to move. He would move every now and then and finally she got to feel him kick. Good thing too b/c I was getting tired of her shaking and poking my belly, which she had seen me do.

After that, the questions started coming, for example: "can you walk when your pregnant?", "are you going to get bigger than you already are?", "how do you wear clothes when your that big?", ect. While most questions centered around how big I was, I knew what was coming... "how do babies come out?". So I told her the truth, at least about my situation... that I would have surgery to have the baby. They'd cut me open, ect. I hoped to get away with that but didn't. She asked " well how do they get out when you don't have surgery?". It would have been funny to scare her but I just told her to "go ask you mother".