Friday, October 10, 2008


I went to the doctor today and everything looks great. We got to schedule my c-section... baby Deacon will be here December 9th. That is exactly one week after Dylan's birthday. I can't believe it is already that close but I'm ready, although the house isn't. Casey isn't in denial but it just hasn't hit him yet. I guess it's that way for daddies, since they aren't carrying the extra weight that happens to move at anytime of the day and occasionally gets the hiccups.


Since Deacon is due so close to Dylan's birthday, I decided to throw his birthday party this weekend. I knew I'd be too tired to handle that in December and besides, we can still have it outside this time of year. We are going to have it at a beautiful park by the river. It should be fun.

Well, that's pretty much it. Hope y'all have a great weekend.


Jenny said...

See ya tomorrow!

~Crystal~ said...

I'm here to say....I'm sorry I have been a horrible blogger cousin/friend. I just haven't been myself lately. Ever since I got my laptop, my computer routine has not gotten back in order. Forgive me? :)