Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Yay! Today I got a new, old dryer. A BIG thanks to Kitten and Bill who gave us their old dryer. I put that sucker to use immediately. I hope I don't over work it. We've been without a dryer for over a month now and I couldn't wait to wash some clothes. I don't know which is more sad... getting excited about washing clothes or not knowing where to start b/c there are so many that need to be washed. I do dread folding and putting them away, however.


I'm huge now but Mimi, I can still touch my toes. :)


My friend Christi, who I've know quite literally all my life, is pregnant for a 5th time but has lost two babies due to rare diseases. She went to the doctor today and found out this baby seems healthy and it's a boy! We've been praying pretty hard. Still praying pretty hard...

It's actually kind of neat, the two girls I've know all of my life are pregnant the same time I am. We were all born in the same neighborhood and played together. Two of us are having boys and the other, a girl. We all still keep in touch.



Anonymous said...

Hope the dryer works OK for you guys, if not call Bill and he can come service it! Mimi and Poppa don't call him "McGuyver" for nothing. We had so much fun with Dylan last Sunday night, Bill got him totally wild though so if he was hard to settle down I am sorry and it was all Bill's fault! - Kitten

Meggan said...

The dryer works great! The only other time I've been this excited about an appliance is when we got a dishwasher after ours broke.

It's okay that Bill got Dylan wild... he went to sleep immediately when he got home. We like that. :)