Monday, January 4, 2010

My Turn around

Well, it looks like I'm having another late night with this blog. I hope this doesn't become a habit. I sure hope I make sense and don't run this thing all over the place. It's late, I'm tired and very hungry. That doesn't make for good focusing. However, I can't sleep and I feel the Lord has laid this upon my heart to share. My first blog back was pretty much my testimony. This one is about the start of this new journey. I haven't shared this first part with anyone, except maybe my mom and husband.

Back in April, a young man died in a tragic car accident. It's every parents worst nightmare. He was barely twenty and his mother's only son. I babysat him for a summer, way back when, and his family is dear to my heart and many others. It was, and still, such a heartbreaking time for so many.

During his funeral, we heard many funny and wonderful stories about his life. But something that stuck with me the most was how he would pray over his meals, even at work, by himself. It was such a quick and simple part of his life, but what a witness it was. I've never really done that, much less teach my child to do that. His parents instilled in him a love for God and it was evident in him taking the time to thank God for a simple thing as lunch. This got the conviction ball rolling in me. Casey and I had been saying we needed to get back into church. I even said something to the extent of "I know where I stand and where I'm gonna go, but we need to do it for the kids". (Don't I feel arrogant and stupid because little did I know what the Holy Spirit had in store for me...)

I knew I wasn't setting the example for my kids. How could I expect them to love God when I wasn't showing them how to love and obey him myself? So from that point, we decided to get back into church. It was kind of a slow process but we encouraged each other and felt the love that was in our church and haven't been the same since! :) Dylan was saved this summer and I just pray that God keeps his hand on him and he continues to grow in faith and love for the Lord. And for Deacon, as well. I was saved in October and Casey re-dedicated his life. I truly feel our family is now on the right track and I believe the Lord used that young man's life and his family to help me see what I was missing and get my family where we needed to be. I hope and pray that my family can be a witness for the Lord, like they were for us.

Thank goodness God allows u-turns. They're called mercy and grace.


~Crystal~ said...

I am sitting here in tears....What a blessing. I am thrilled that you are sharing the things the Lord is doing in you & your family. I pray over your blog that anyone that reads it will have the Lord stir in their hearts as well. And that they will not only hear Him, but listen.

Meggan said...

Thank you Crystal! It's not easy sharing all of this and the encouragement means a lot to me. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you've gotten back into blogging. Yours is such a testimony and witness. I'm so happy about what God is doing in your life and the life of the boys. What a wonderful reunion we will have in heaven when the time comes. I love you, Meggan. You make me so proud to be your mom.

Anonymous said...

what a blessing you are. You have touched my heart like it has not been in such a long time. Your sincerity and gentle love show through in your words. You have a way with words like your mom and that is a talent..Keep it up girl..I love you

Steph said...

I know it's so hard to keep up with blogging once you have two boys and then there's facebook, etc but I just wanted you to know that I really enjoyed your last couple of posts and I hope you keep it up! :)